What derails you, changes you. But, don't let what changed you, define you!

It's a (weekly) Wrap - Physical Activity - 4 30 21

#aerobic #build ur best life #buildurbestu #cardio workouts #planning #preplanning workouts #workout planning Apr 30, 2021

Hey Builders! Welcome to It's a (weekly) Wrap!

This week's theme was Physical Activity. Let's take it through the Build UR Best U Building Block Process™: the educational component and planning are done in Building Block #2, the execution in Building Block #3 and monitoring your progress with making adjustments when needed in Building Block #4. Here's where you can catch the recaps of the weekly themed posts and by joining The Weight Loss Group - Get Empowered, you can get full access to them:(https://www.facebook.com/groups/theweightlossgroupgetempowered :-)

- Mindful Monday: 0m 33s

- Fitness & Health Tidbit Tuesday: 0m 53s Note: So many benefits to Physical Activity -- eight are shared here!

- The Wednesday Q&A: 1m 04s Note: The question is answered, "How do I handle the days that I'm just not motivated to get my workout in?"

- Food Fact Friday: 1m 24s Note: I hope you saw the post because additional tips were provided along with five post workout meals!

- The Take-a-Ways: 1m 52s The take-a-ways here are significant so definitely check them out and if you have questions please do not hesitate to contact me, I am here to help:-) Just imagine how proud you'll feel that you did some Physical Activity rather than none.

Well, that's UR weekly wrap! I'm Coach Beckie and this is Build UR Best U, Your five-step building block process to sustainable weight loss. Have a great weekend Builders!

And as always please remember, Healthy Choices Build a Better You!

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