Healthy choices build a better you!
Getting derailed from the life you knew has taken you down an unhealthy path.
And, you're ready to get back on-track!

The easist way to move forward is to
discover the healthy life you want with

 I coach and conduct workshops for people,
who were derailed from the life they knew,
to move forward into the healthy life they want.
Click here to learn what derailed me. I was able to rebuild and I know you can too!

I coach people, who were
from the life they knew, 
move into the life they want!

Your Path to Building Your Healthy Lifestyle


Discover Your Starting Place in Your Unexpected Turn Journey.

Take this FREE Quiz now!


Develop the tools you're missing and
build the foundation to the life you want!
New Tools Coming Soon!
The Building Blocks Toolkit

Get your tools here!

design a plan so you can take the right ACTIONs
and reach your goals!

The Building Blocks Accelerator

Click Here for More Information

and Finally,

you're ready to be the architect of 
your healthy lifestyle!

The Building Blocks Blueprint 

Be part of this Transformational Program

Building Blocks #4 - #5

Ensure that you're taking the right actions.
ASSESS & ADJUST so that you can keep your goals.

ADAPT into the life you want!

The Building Blocks Blueprint
Your five-step building block process
to living a healthy lifestyle in the life that you want!

Learn More about this Transformational Program


Health Coaching

The Building Blocks Blueprint™
Your five-step
building block process
to rebuild your healthy lifestyle.

The most efficient way
to rebuild so that you can
create and execute
a fitness & health plan that
works for you!

In this nine-week program, you'll be EDUCATED on what needs to be done, create and EXECUTE a plan
that works for you and
because of this, you too will be EMPOWERED to
attain and sustain 
your fitness & health goals!

1:1 - Group - Corporate Wellness
In-Person or Online

Which programming is
right for you?

Click Here to Learn More

DIY Training

The Building Blocks Toolkit™ 

Tools you need to
reach and keep your
fitness & health goals
without wasting anymore
valuable time!

These will help you nail the basics
and solidify the foundation to
your uniquely designed
Fitness & Health Success Project™.

Which toolkit
is right for you?

* Premiere Bundle

* Tools to Take Home

* All Digital

Which Fitness & Health Toolkit is right for you?
Lay the Foundation to Your Success
Build the Life You Want,
Think Like a Project Manager

Customize these to fit your organization's needs.

Click Here for More Information

Trusted By

Featured In

DIY Online Training

The Building Blocks Toolkit™

Tools you need to reach and keep your 
fitness & health goals without wasting anymore valuable time!

Which fitness & health toolkit is right for you?

* Premiere Bundle        * All Digital
* Tools to Take Home

Get Started with your DIY Online Course

Get to Building

so you can move foward into the healthy lifestyle you want!
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