What derails you, changes you. But, don't let what changed you, define you!

Blog 4.2.21 - It's a (weekly) Wrap - Planning

#meal planning #planning #preplanning meals #preplanning workouts Apr 19, 2021

This week's Build UR Best U theme was the importance of planning for our fitness & health.

Checkout the It's a (weekly) Wrap video to hear how we highlighted this important topic in the Mindful Monday, Fitness & Health Tidbit Tuesday and Food Fact Friday social media posts.

As a current or potential Builder, U want to make UR fitness & health a priority. And, U are working toward a healthier lifestyle. Well, planning on how to accomplish this will force U to organize and prioritize UR actions and S.M.A.R.T.-E.R. Goals. Ultimately, U are responsible for yourself; however, as UR fitness & health coach, I am here to help! And, because of this week's theme I created and am providing for you (for free) a Weekly Meal & Workout Planner. You can grab it here:


I'm signing-off for now, this is Coach Beckie, UR go-to resource for the five-step building block process to sustainable weight loss. And please remember, Healthy Choices Build a Better You!

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