What derails you, changes you. But, don't let what changed you, define you!

Blog 3.20.21 - It's a (weekly) Wrap - Visualization

#build ur best life #buildurbestu #healthy lifestyle building block #1 Mar 20, 2021

Hey Builders!

"What your mind can conceive and believe...you can achieve!"

This week's theme was Visualization and what a great quote to start our Mindful Monday post off with by Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich. There truly is power in our thoughts so why not take his advice and let our minds be our greatest ally!

When we focus on our problems, they just seem to escalate. In tennis there's a saying, "Think a double fault, do a double fault." And sure enough, when U go up to the baseline to serve, guess what happens? …U double fault! So if negative thoughts lead to negative outcomes, what would positive thoughts lead to...positive outcomes!

I vote that we flip the switch and train our brains to think more positively!

Actually, there's scientific proof that this works! I touched on it in this week's Fitness & Health Tidbit Tuesday. Athletes who visualize a successful performance stimulate the same brain function as they do during the competition itself. The lesson here is that the more U mentally rehearse a positive result then the more it will be ingrained in UR mind.

So why not do this by visualizing the healthy lifestyle that we want for ourselves?

And then in Food Fact Friday I built-on this and shared that there are foods that will improve both vision and memory. I thought this was a terrific combination that could help us take our visualization to the next level. So Builders, grab the broccoli, spinach, salmon, red berries and walnuts!

Let's give ourselves that extra boost and make visualization a part of our healthy lifestyle pre-game game plan!

I look forward to seeing U this coming week on the Build UR Best U social media platforms and providing U support on UR quest to Build UR Best U!

U can click on the below link to see where we're hanging out on social media! https://linktr.ee/buildurbestu

Thanks Builders enjoy UR week! And don't forget...Healthy Choices Build a Better You!

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