Your path to building a healthier lifestyle!

Blog 4.9.21 - It's a (weekly) Wrap - Obstacles

#obstacles Apr 19, 2021

Checkout the It's a (weekly) Wrap video to hear how we highlighted this important topic in the Mindful Monday and Fitness & Health Tidbit Tuesday social media posts.

Of course, we all face obstacles in our lives and when it comes to our fitness, health and weight loss it's no different. But Builders, what I want to know is when it comes to your fitness, health and weight loss efforts...

1. What obstacles are you facing?
2. How are you addressing them?
3. And, how can we as your Build UR Best U community help you navigate them?

If you're a member of the Build UR Best U's private FB Group - The Weight Loss Group - Get Empowered! Then you were given access to a list of 15 household items that you can use for strength training which was posted as a PDF download in the Group. If you are not yet member and would like to join then please know that you are welcomed and can find the link to do so below:

Thanks Builders! As always, please remember...Healthy Choices Build a Better You!

Best, Coach Beckie

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