What derails you, changes you. But, don't let what changed you, define you!

Blog 3.26.21 - It's a (weekly) Wrap - Accountability

#accountability Mar 26, 2021

This week's theme was Accountability. Mindful Monday: "It's not only what we do but also what we don't do for which we are accountable." Moliere So true, right? Well sure, when it comes to our fitness and health it's not just about checking-off the workouts that we completed or the healthy meals that we ate but also just as important is holding ourselves accountable for the healthy behaviors that we are choosing to ignore. Fitness & Health Tidbit Tuesday: I offered up three ways that you can hold yourself accountable... 1. Scheduling your meals and workouts on a weekly planner 2. Implement a non-food item reward system for when you reach a benchmark and/or your overall S.M.A.R.T.-E.R. Goal 3. Be active in the Build UR Best U Community so that we, your fellow Builders, can help you stay accountable On Thursday, I reposted a Nuts-n-Bolts Video Notes episode where I introduced an accountability tool that I use with my clients and teach in the Building Blocks Blueprint course. I included the link below for you to check it out in case you missed it. I also share how a client took this tool and made it work for her to help keep herself more accountable. So great! :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CBlZ... Food Fact Friday: I asked if the posting of calories on restaurant menus has made you more accountable for the food selections that you make when you go out to eat? For me, definitely! I've found it very helpful in making healthier choices when I go out to eat. So Builders let's remember to hold ourselves accountable for the actions that we take...or don't take that lead to a healthy lifestyle! I'm signing-off for now, this is Coach Beckie, wishing you a healthy, safe and fun weekend! And please remember, Healthy Choices Build a Better You!

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