What derails you, changes you. But, don't let what changed you, define you!

Blog 2.13.21 - My WHY and My relationship with Santa even got back on-track!

#build ur best life #buildurbestu #health #healthy lifestyle #project management #weight loss Feb 13, 2021

I've been remiss in not sharing with U my WHY I both started my health coaching business and my WHY that I decided to offer an online course. I mean after all, I do teach and advocate for first determining UR WHY when U start a fitness & health Weight Loss Success Project. So, it just makes sense to show some vulnerability and to model for U how this can be done. I write "vulnerability" because determining one's WHY is very personal. It is UR North Star or driving force as to WHY U decided to take action. And, when things get challenging, which they will, then U always come back to UR WHY.

So, as I set my ego aside, I invite U to take the time to learn about my WHY I decided to both start Build UR Best U and my WHY I am now offering to U an online course that can help U Build UR Best U!  

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